Friday, May 16, 2014

Janie- Close Reading- Jenna

The vision of Logan Killicks was desecrating the pear tree but Janie didn’t know how to tell Nanny that. She merely hunched over and pouted at the floor (14). 

Janie has an ideal of love and it is all she is wanting. She experienced this under the pear tree in her sixteen years old eyes. It was very romanticized and Logan is not satisfying her. She doesn't like the idea of marrying an ugly old man for no other reason than to please her grandma, Nanny. She didn't want to get anything but her ideal vision of love. 

Janie pulled back a long time because he did not represent sun-up and pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke for far horizon. He spoke for change and chance (29). 

Janie is nervous about giving herself to Joe too quickly because she is not sure he has the ideal love she is looking for. Joe is a far more romantic than Logan though. He doesn't remind her of the ideal love of the pear tree's and blooming trees but he does have the "far horizon" that she wants.

"De way you looked at me when Ah said whut Ah did. Yo’ face skeered me so bad till mah whiskers drawed up."

"Ah ain’t got no business bein’ mad at nothin’ you do and say. You got it all wrong. Ah ain’t mad atall."

"Ah know it and dat’s why puts de shamery on me. You’se jus’ disgusted wid me. Yo’ face jus’ left here and went off somewhere else. Naw, you ain’t mad wid me. AH be glad if was, ‘cause then Ah might do somethin’ tuh please yuh. But lak it is – "(104). 

Tea Cake is very open with Janie and she loves it. He admits his fears and says she will do anything to make her happy. Tea Cake will listen to Janie and pays close attention to her facial expressions. Joe never did this to Janie, he never cared enough. 

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